“I have always felt a passion to help others and didn’t know in which form this came in, until I started my own healing journey and realised, I want people to learn to love themselves again, just like I did.”

When I think back to my childhood, I can remember a lot more bad times than good. It was a traumatic time for me and I was so excited to be 18 and go to University. I thought as soon as I moved out that all the hurt I felt would go away. However, I began smoking, drinking frequently, eating fast food and isolating myself when sober. At the time I thought this was normal, but in retrospect I can see I was using these things to cope. I truly believed that when my environment changed, I was going to feel better instantly, however, I quickly realised that this was only the start of my healing journey. 

Leaving home meant I was able to begin healing, but this also meant that all the years of repressed trauma started coming to the surface. I started experiencing anxiety and depression, I felt alone and unloved and it got so bad that I decided to make a doctor’s appointment. I was diagnosed with anxiety and was offered some medication. Fortunately, I struggled to take tablets then, so opted for the counselling route instead. This helped slightly and I started to do things out of my comfort zone, but I still felt like I was just trying to put a plaster over a deeper wound, but I couldn’t get to the bottom of what I needed.

Aswell as poor mental health, I was unhealthy physically, so I thought that if I started to improve physical aspects, things would improve overall. I started going to the gym, ate healthier, lost weight, and stopped spending time with certain people which therefore meant I was less tempted to drink or smoke. This did help a lot, however, it’s almost like it opened up a whole new door to my healing journey. I felt healthier, and happier to some extent, but strangely, it was also one of my lowest points because I couldn’t comprehend why I was ‘doing all the right things’ and still felt so fatigued, lonely, had no direction and was often anxious. 

I knew it was time to seek a different type of help. I felt ready to go deeper and started working with a holistic health coach. We began working on my physical symptoms, hormone imbalances and the symptoms that came with this, such as acne, constant fatigue and overall burnout from many years of being in fight or flight. During this coaching journey, many things did improve, we noticed that my liver was struggling and this was causing a lot of my hormone symptoms and overall toxicity in my body. We finally realised it was due to heavy metal poisoning from many mercury fillings in my teeth and infected root canals. I began making changes, I went to a holistic dentist to remove my infected teeth and any mercury, ate all the right things, would spend any money necessary and was so determined to get better. My physical body began to feel a little better, my acne cleared up and through many healing sessions with my coach, I did feel some relief in the anxiety I experienced, but there still felt like a huge blockage stopping me from moving forward. 

Then it clicked, I didn’t love myself. I had tried everything physically to improve my life, tried every supplement possible, but had never stopped to ask, what does my inner child actually need? What does it keep highlighting for me to become aware of? What is preventing me from becoming the person I want to be? What are my dreams, goals and purpose? Why am I even doing all these things? I realised I put so much love, effort and time into others, only to distract myself from my own needs. It felt like a revelation, the day I realised that there was nothing more physically to do, I had done all I could, I couldn’t take the ‘easy’ option anymore. I had to dive into myself, my trauma, how I view myself and treat myself, my energetic body and becoming one with my soul again. This was a relief but also opened up a new level of confusion! So again I found a coach who worked with me to go deeper spiritually and guided me to give my inner child what it needs. This allowed me to really see my inner child, and thank her for getting me to where I was, to begin living from a place of authenticity and unconditional love.

So, as I started my journey back to innocence and self love, I had recognised the next step was to really think about who Keeleigh Bright is, and if it was the person I was portraying, so I decided to ‘rebrand.’ I stopped using my Instagram account as I realised everything I uploaded was an example of me trying to gain approval from followers I didn’t even have a relationship with! So here came the birth of my brand. I made a new Instagram where I promised myself I would be authentically and unapologetically me, and while thinking of how to encompass this in a username, I thought of The Art of Self Love. I was on this journey and doing my own healing alongside my brand blossoming, we were learning and doing this together. Now, I feel ready to use my wisdom, experience and love I have, to guide others to come back to the unconditional self love and innocence we are born with. 

I am proud to say I no longer lack direction and have found my passion and purpose in this world. I love nothing more than sharing my love and wisdom with others as I can see a part of myself in everyone I work with. Everyone deserves to be healthy, happy and on the life path that suits them best. Please see my ‘work with me’ page for more information on my offerings and please feel free to contact me if you feel guided to.

Lots of love

Keeleigh X