A Journey to Self Love: The Group Mentorship Programme

A Journey to Self Love is a group mentorship programme which dives into what it means to embrace the feminine and learn how to truly show yourself unconditional love.

Do you experience any of the following:

  • People pleasing

  • Struggle to connect deeply with others

  • Feel depressed or anxious

  • Put others before yourself

  • Struggle to show yourself true attention and self-care

  • Feel lonely

  • Don’t feel you have a strong community

  • Feel unclear on your path or direction

  • Want to strengthen your intuition etc

If you do, then this programme is for you! The journey to self love will encourage you to go deep into seeing who you are, how you want to show up in this world and how to start putting yourself first. It also will place emphasis on your mental, emotional and spiritual development, learning what makes you happy and how to listen to your intuition more.

We are all mothers and have been mothered. Whether or not you have physical children, everyday we mother ourselves, our projects, our work, our homes etc. This is what being a woman is and sometimes we get so caught up in being the mother, we forget how to balance this out with being mothered. Everything requires balance, yin and yang, giving and receiving etc. When this is out of balance, more energy is going out than in, therefore we get frustated, tired, down, demotivated etc. We can be our own mother, it just requires you putting in the effort into noticing what your needs are and how to meet them. You are completely whole by yourself, so there is nothing you need from your physical mother, only to recognise in yourself what will satiate the needs you have.

This programme is also useful for those with mother wounds, those who have struggled to connect with their physical mother, and may want more from them but haven’t felt as though you have received it. This programme is a deep dive into relearning self-love, finding your dreams and your happiness and then living this unapologetically. True happiness and unconditional self-love can only be felt once we move away the blockages stopping it. These blockages could be things such as; old mother wounds, trauma around your children, self-doubt, not feeling good enough, not putting yourself first, people pleasing, plodding through the motions of life and not feeling in touch with your true self/what it feels to be feminine.

The Self Love programme is for those ready for change. If you are bored of the mundane day-to-day and are ready to feel happy, clear in your direction and confident in who you are, then this is for you. With only 6 months together I can ensure your outlook on yourself and your life will change completely and you will feel as though the fire inside you has been reignited.

This programme will consist of 2 LIVE online meetings a month, in which I will present a theme and you are welcome to share/ask questions. To take part you will need; a pack of oracle cards (I can give recommendations), a notepad and pen dedicated to this programme, and laptop in which you will be able to join teams/zoom in a quiet space. You also need to have whatsapp as I will make a group for us all to communicate if anyone needs support, and also as a way to ask me questions if necessary.

You can join this programme at any time, and will have access to any previous session recordings. If you are unable to make any sessions these will also be recorded and you will have access. Some sessions may have homework for you to complete, this is at your own discretion and there is no consequence for not completing it. However, you may feel that your personal development is impacted if you are not putting in the same effort as others.

Some examples of topics we will cover:

  • What is self love? and acknowledging where you currently lack this.

  • Who is the Divine Mother and why are we calling for her support?

  • Identifying your personal blockages. Beginning to really SEE ourselves and not hide anymore.

  • Anxiety, overthinking; how do we become sure of ourselves and trust that we are supported?

  • Speaking to your inner child, seeing what it’s needs are and being the mother it needs.

  • Intuition: how do we make our channel clearer and learn to listen.

  • Practising listening to our intuition, strengthening the channel.

  • What is your dream? What do you need/want to be happy? Are you currently on this path?

  • What promises are you ready to make to yourself?

  • Putting yourself first - discipline and motivation to do what is best for YOU continously

  • How to be grounded, centred and someone who is able to embody these changes.

  • What does embodiment mean and why is this so important?

    Your investment: £50 per month on the first of every month. Can cancel anytime with a minimum of 30 days notice from last payment. E.g- if you pay on the 1st April, you can then give notice and you will finish the end of April. If you give notice on the 2nd you will be expected to pay on the 1st May, then finish at the end of May.

Lastly, to be accepted onto this programme it is expected that you remain open minded, honest and allow yourself to be vulnerable when necessary. You are also expected to remain open and understanding of others, there is no space for judgement. The reason I am doing it as a group is so community can be formed and like-minded people can support each other. However, you can share as little or as much as you like in sessions, no one will be forced to speak and everyone will be made to feel comfortable and welcome.

Please visit the ‘contact me’ button below to discuss joining the programme, or if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you!